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How a sceptic became a believer

Updated: May 16, 2019

Dr. Dan Gisselquist is a seasoned digital designer spending most of his career on signal processing problems for the USA Airforce. He was very convinced that he had figured out how to write a FIFO. His FIFOs had been deployed in the field and had proven them self to work reliably. As he had some time on his hand, he wanted to demonstrate that formal methods are mainly an esoteric exercise with no use for seasoned digital designers.

He did find out that formal tools do explore corners of his designs he did not know existed. Since then he decided to formally verify all the designs he is shipping to clients.


Edmund Humenberger is Co-Founder and CEO of Symbiotic EDA – a software company for formal-verification- and FPGA-design-tools to reduce risk for decision makers and engineers in the chip design and hardware manufacturing industry. @ Symbiotic GmbH All rights reserved

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